Managing Workplace Conflict: Innovative Employee-Centric Strategies for HR Professionals in Resolving Employment Disputes and Avoiding Protracted Litigation | Sessions

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Concurrent Session
Managing Workplace Conflict: Innovative Employee-Centric Strategies for HR Professionals in Resolving Employment Disputes and Avoiding Protracted Litigation
Tuesday 06/25/2024 02:00 PM - 03:00 PM   Add to calendar

Competencies: Interpersonal (Behavioral), Leadership (Behavioral), People (Technical) | Intended Audience: Mid-Level, Senior-Level
Workplace Application:
Participants will learn how to not only manage high-conflict issues in the workplace, but equally as important, how to train their employees and leaders on how to create a workplace that promotes constructive employee-centric resolution strategies. Additionally, this lecture will explore ways employers can use alternative dispute resolution strategies in resolving workplace disputes. 

For as long as people have worked together for a common purpose there has been conflict.  How organizations help employees manage interpersonal struggles, and train employees to resolve conflicts in a respectful and construct manner, is essential to a successful organization. During this lively session, popular speaker and employment attorney Adam Rosenthal, will explore innovative strategies HR professionals can use to manage conflict in the workplace, from onboarding to employment litigation, and everything in between.

Learning Objectives:

  • Learn how to better distinguish between the types of workplace conflicts which typically require HR involvement, as compared to those conflicts that employees can generally resolve without intervention by HR.
  • Gain a better understanding of how to implement effective 'real world' strategies to train employees and leaders on how to apply effective problem-solving techniques to avoid unhealthy conflict and encourage productive and respectful disagreements in the workplace.
  • Use alternative dispute resolution and mediation strategies that are well-recognized in the litigation context to resolve issues between current employees and their managers, as well as in the context of ongoing disputes and litigation with former employees.
Adam Rosenthal Photo
Adam Rosenthal, Employment Law Partner,
Sheppard Mullin Richter & Hampton, LLP